About Hebrew University

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (האוניברסיטה העברית), Israel’s second oldest university.

Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Aerial view of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1937. Wikipedia, photograph by Zoltan Kluger

Founded in 1918 in Jerusalem, 30 years before the establishment of the State of Israel. The Hebrew University has three campuses in Jerusalem and one in Rehovot. The world’s largest Jewish studies library, the National Library of Israel, is located on its Edmond J. Safra Givat Ram campus. The first Board of Governors included Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Martin Buber, and Chaim Weizmann. Four of Israel’s prime ministers are alumni of the Hebrew University. As of 2018, 15 Nobel Prize winners, 2 Fields Medalists and 3 Turing Award winners have been affiliated with the University.

Ismar David designed graphics for Hebrew University, starting as early as 1938.

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